Web DeveloperMiranda

Web - E-commerce Developer
Creating exceptional experiences for YOUR customers.

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my work

I had the pleasure of working with a variety of companies from diverse industries, helping them establish a strong online presence through the development of custom websites.

Here, you'll find a showcase of my latest work at this time (Feb/16/2023)

About Me

Tadeo Miranda

Software Engineering Student and Freelance web developer with extensive experience in creating customized software solutions for clients.
Strong background in customer service and IT support with experience as a team manager, team leader, graphic designer and audio-visual producer

Click bellow to download my resume and see if we are a good match to work together

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team member pic

Tadeo Miranda


I specialize in:


E-commerce Build


Interaction Design


Video Production

Interactive Design

Graphic Design


Digital Marketing


I'm always looking for new projects to work on,
Please feel free to contact me!


Mexico City, México